terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Know your customer. But do it really deeply.

Sales people are always in a rush to close the next deal. Companies are always in a rush to define the best business strategy to reach their customers. Everybody who wants to do business is really interest in customer behavior, customer purchase trend, market share and so on.

But I have seen sales people and companies that quite don´t understand what their customers really wants. If they are aiming “domestic” or “corporate” targets they need to take a look on every single customer interaction.

You may ask me why and disagree. But think about you for a moment. Put yourself in a customer shoes once in a while and remember what were the decision facts that drove you in your last purchase. It doesn´t matter if you purchased a brand new smartphone, a car or socks. I almost can guarantee that you´ve heard a salesman or a friend recommendation.

If this is your case, then I’m right to affirm that someone really heard you to understand your need. This is exactly what I believe we should do to really satisfy our customers. We just need to listen what they want or say. We just need to know their personal profile.

Is not just a matter to choose a new CEM (Customer Experience Management) tool or a software. Also doesn´t matter if you save your customers interactions in a paper, spreadsheet or database. But you have to change your mind set, your company culture to see, store, evaluate and consider what happened with your customers.

We really have to see a customer as the main entity. This way we can see a top-bottom tree about all contact events that happens with every customer. If a customer calls you is an interaction. If a customer sends you a letter or email is an interaction. If a customer just stop by your company facility… it is also an interaction.

If you have 10, 100, 1000 or 10k customers you got to know every single personal profile to be able to address your market needs, create market share and go beyond 100k happy customers.

How to do it? I´ll tell you on my next post.

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