quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010

Happy birthday! By the way, what about to buy a …

Everyone knows that keep contact with customers is essential for companies. Some have a policy of at least drop a call, send an e-mail or a happy birthday card on the birthday date of their customers. The problem happens when companies try "push" something to the client in the same contact. This is a mortal sin. Imagine if this happens to you on your birthday?

This is a very special day. You expect to be remembered by your family, to be greeted at work. Anyway, it is a day that you really feel special. Then your phone rings (ID blocked) and you pick. Someone calls to give you congratulations, one more spring is completed and so on.
You think that is cool and enjoy to be remembered. Then the person on the phone starts talking about the exceptional qualities of the combo package ultra-mega blaster upgrade of your cable TV or your mobile provider, maybe your gym. Well... it doesn’t matter. That very special moment that you were enjoying simply vanishes and you got a bad view of that company.
Companies need to treat their customers in order to respect them. There are times to try to sell something, and there are moments that are great just to ... wish happy birthday. Who doesn’t like to be treated like special and be recognized? Do you like to be recognized? How many times a service provider (either one) already called you simply to thank you for being a customer? Or even to wish you happy birthday?
If you spent some time to think about it, then imagine what your customers are wondering about your company?

Daniel Itzicovitch

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